I definitely feel as if I have a better grasp on my mental health than I have earlier in my life. In the past, I would resort to much more destructive methods in order to cope with my ADHD, depression and anxiety. Recently, in therapy, I discovered a few new healthy ways to cope with my anxiety. This made me think of all the other methods I have used to cope with my mental health issues and felt motivated to explore coping mechanisms further. I aim to document coping mechanisms that I have used, currently use, or will use in the future to cope with my own mental health issues. Photographing coping objects feels cathartic and a way of coping all on its own. This is very difficult to talk about, but an ongoing coping habit for me was to hurt myself by slamming my head into a wall, cutting my arms and legs, or burning myself with a lighter. It feels cathartic to stage these coping objects as still life against vibrant colors because it reminds me that no matter how much I enjoyed cutting as a distraction, it is a highlighted reminder of a very unhealthy way to cope. I would like this work to provoke viewers into evaluating their own coping mechanisms and to reflect on how they affect their emotions and growth.
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